Tuesday 6 March 2018

USA - Day 53 - Washington DC White House and Capitol Hill

Our last full day in Washington DC, so we walked to the White House, but couldn't get close. We continued on to the eastern side of the National Mall and checked out the Sculpture Garden at the Art Gallery. We stayed to have some lunch at the Pavilion Cafe. We then walked all the way to Capitol Hill, before starting the return journey on the other side of the mall.
White House (zoomed from afar).
Government building near the White House.
Gallery nearby.
Parkland nearby.

High security and cannot get close to the White House.
White House Xmas tree.
How it looks at Xmas time!
Just down from the White House.
Financial building on the way to the central area of the National Mall.
African American Museum; amazing building.
On the way to Capitol Hill; looking back to the Washington Monument.
On the parkland area; looking towards Capitol Hill.

Sculpture Garden and Pavilion Cafe.
Art gallery across from the gardens.
Stainless steel tree.

Parklands in the mall; looking back to the monument.
Getting closer to Capitol Hill.
A little icecream break.
Reflection pool near Capitol Hill.

Statues at the reflection pool.

Kent, monuments and Capitol Hill.

Me at Capitol Hill (sneeky one by Kent).

Now heading back on the other side of the mall.

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